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Old Secrets -- New Revelations


" . . . In this we can agree: We all have 'something,' and for some, many things for which to be thankful.
Let us pray for all victims and for the justice to which they are entitled."


(The Requiem in D Minor, K--626) 

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

 --111 Years--
John W. "Bud" Vukasovich
Agricultural Legend
B. 12-2-1913 Watsonville
D. 12-26-1991 Yuma

Harvard University, Chan School of Public Health, UCSF Geneticist Jeremy Willsey, and Stanford University research have now determined that PTSD is transferable, i.e., genetically, to the children of those affected, including Jolene, Kathy Ann, Colette, and myself, as the children of orphaned brothers of the Spanish Flu Pandemic.









Thoughts and Prayers

Anna Louise B.B. Resetar Radin

1935 -- 2022

My sincere condolences to Peter and Michelle. Our families are related, cousins, have shared mutual business interests (Apple Growers, Packing and Shipping, we processed your family brand). Pete and B.B. celebrated decades of New Years Eves together with John and Mildred Maleta, often including Apple Growers Cold Storage Board of Directors Holiday Events,  San Francisco and Palm Springs venues. All of us born and raised in Watsonville, the "privileged legacy" of wealthy, pioneer farming families: A.L. Resetar, John BUD Vukasovich, Harold Trafton and our intertwined families and destinies. B.B. and I mutually enjoyed playing the piano, sun bathing, a great steak, and the talents of Sammy Davis, Jr. Like a California Poppy overlooking the Pacific Ocean, B.B.'s memory is transcendent. But

as business associates and defenders of liars and my betrayers, behavior personally destructive to me, the vulnerable and innocent: These people, my family, have NO PROBLEM  DECEIVING ME, AND NOW THEY WANT RESPECT for what they have done?? SUBJUGATE, DEMEAN, DENY!! APPALLING! Because my BUD Vukasovich family has been cruel to me, in our hometown Watsonville, that doesn't give you or anyone else the right! Your mother, B.B., deceived me in 1999 after June Kovacich revealed my birth identity, and thirteen years later admitted she knew all about it (2012). Why should I believe anything you say? I no longer trust you. Remember, our families became wealthy "off the backs of non-union, minimum wage farm workers."  Should they protest or honor their oppressors?? This is why I will no longer attend memorials for people, to whom my existence is antithetical.



Unrelated Molly Resetar​

and the "others"

I am reminded of your in-laws Jerry and Gloria, whose widely known combative and threatening behaviors, abused me in full view of my parents and other children during a multi-family picnic at Mt. Madonna Park ('62-'63). I was forced to lock myself in a car for protection from Gloria's toxic, hateful behavior, a result of my refusal to participate in her baseball game as an object of their derision.! And as I lived only a block away, I never felt safe in Watsonville around them or their family again!! The Maleta Family always gave their greatest respect to Pete and Pauline Banovac.


More Thoughts and Prayers

Clarification and Amplification

Watsonville Register-Pajaronian,

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Obituary for

Dave Moore

1953 - 2021

I attended Watsonville High School 65-68, along with Dave Moore, Matt and Lyda Lettunich, Marcie Estrada, the Pine and Woolpert brothers, classmates, friends, and Martinelli St. neighbors including my adopted brother. Dave's father Eugene operated a Watsonville bar with Ray Pasley, and later both men found decades of employment working for my father, Bud Vukasovich, Yuma and C & V Farms. . . . "small world, isn't it?" I'm glad Dave found a place in the industry his family served and by benefitting from the kindness and help of his employer, Matt Lettunich, who maybe now can retire and devote his efforts to philanthropic causes. Help the "farm workers" that made some Watsonville families so very rich! GIVE BACK!



Ann Lucich Johann

1932 - 2018

According to information available...

Why did you omit Bud Vukasovich, Pete Vukasovich and Nellie Vukasovich Mir, your first cousins and their children??

My Grandmother Marie Lucich Vukasovich, is your father's (Lucich's) immediate family and the mother of Agricultural Legend "Bud" Vukasovich and grandmother of my sisters, Jolene, Kathy Ann, and me, John Edmondson Vukasovich Maleta. Your close association with the William and Marie Lucich Vukasovich family dates to their tragic passing, and to their orphaned children, "Bud", Peter, and Nellie.  Including the early founding of my father's multi-million dollar business success; i.e, representing the most successful Lucich (Vukasovich) family in the history of Watsonville, and did Bud assist with the establishment of your business,too? Most importantly, your omissions, in view of the fact that my Aunt Nellie Vukasovich Mir and her Husband are entombed in the Lucich Family Mausoleum!, and your sister Catherine Duncan, in her email response to me in August, 2014 welcomed me, on behalf of your mother, to the Lucich family, sadly, it seems to be part of a pattern of betrayal, mendacity, and obfuscation. So, how can this be interpreted as proper Catholic behavior, BOO---HISS!  Obviously, we cannot change who we are by birth or anyone's resentment of it, and in the name of my Grandmother, Marie Lucich Vukasovich, I REJECT YOUR REJECTION!



Martin Colendich


C and V Farms

Upon continued investigation I have found that Madeleine and Anthony Colendich signed my grandfather Nick Maleta's memorial book (1972) proving beyond a three generation family connection.

​Regarding my BETRAYAL and EXCLUSION, I FEEL VINDICATED BY YOUR PUBLIC ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF GRATITUDE TO MY FATHER BUD VUKASOVICH; for his contribution to the foundation of your family's successful farming business! It's easy to understand why you and business partner, Cousin "Boogie" Vukasovich were so intimidated, that you didn't dare to speak openly of me for fear of Bud's wealth and retribution. Like others, including a local state senator, you "went along to get along." And NOW inextricably involved in the legacy of my Vukasovich Families' and their associates' UNJUST AND IMMORAL TREATMENT OF BUD'S SON, by which some have OBVIOUSLY benefited greatly! An IRREFUTABLE perspective I was given by birth!!!


AUGUST 2024​

We have now received over 42,250 views.

​Established 2011


U.S. Supreme Court Decision (2015)
A Victory in the Battle
for Equal Rights (2013)
"We rejoice in the Supreme Court decisions concerning marriage equality, as it has been our firm belief that all are loved by God equally."

The Very Rev. Dr. Jane Shaw
Dean for Religious Life and 
Professor of Religious Studies
Stanford University

 ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​*****YUMA ARIZONA*****


*****AND MYSTERY*****


The PERSECUTION and BETRAYAL of an ADOPTEE. The HONESTY, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, and the Inheritance (LEGACY) He Was Selfishly DENIED, by those who "CONSPIRED TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE VULNERABLE".....a DISPOSABLE BABY, and "PAWN" as created by my father JOHN "BUD" VUKASOVICH. The EGOTISTICAL INDULGENCES OF A WEALTHY MAN, AND HIS SUBJUGATED WIFE, IMMORAL, in the view of the COMMUNITY and CATHOLIC CHURCH, the participation of a SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE ( a Maleta Cousin) AND HIS LAW FIRM, the State of California Department of Child Welfare, and a community TOO INTIMIDATED TO INTERVENE!!!


FLAUNTING THE LAW, BUYING APPROVAL, AND THE CONSEQUENCES OF WEALTH VS  MORALITY. (ETHICS? WHAT ETHICS??).....UNPRECEDENTED!!! And there are those, who upon their understanding of the circumstances, believe compensatory damages, reparations are just and fair.



As defended by the Law Firms of Boccardo, Hopkins & Carley, who only handle multi-million dollar litigation, spending around and about 12 to 15 million dollars in 2024 equivalency.  


Double Trumpet Concerto, C Major, RV 537
Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741)
Wynton Marsalis
*ATTENTION: New confirmation (see end of text)

     It is with the greatest pleasure that I extend an invitation to my birth, adoptive families and everyone to please join us in celebrating an absolutely sensational revelation of an extraordinary adoption. Around and about September 10, 1949, I began my journey as Baby Edmondson Vukasovich, to be born in the Community Hospital (delivered by Dr. Gilman, Sr., PED. Dr. J. Bell, GP Dr. F. Koepke) baptized at St. Patrick's Church, received First Holy Communion at Our Lady Help of Christians (Valley) Catholic Church, and raised in Watsonville, CA, as an immediate neighbor to Stella Stolich (Baba to Davy) and among my Lucich cousins on Wall St. (Attention: Catherine Lucich Duncan). Adopted at birth by the John and Mildred (Gafvert) Maleta Family, (nee Kesovia, the original Maleta family name), a very well-connected childless couple (now deceased, 1995 and 1999 respectively), owners of Maleta Brand Apples, originated from the Brown Ranch,in the coveted Carlton District . A small, but very successful business based on quality of product and excellent brokerage (Louis Levine, Los Angeles, CA). The senior Maletas, Nick and Anna (Kovacich), Croatian immigrants, also owned ranch property in the Carlton district (c. 1920), obtained by riches achieved from the Yukon Gold Rush, later (c. 1930) real estate developers in town continuing with their agricultural ties, and among the founders of Apple Growers Cold Storage (1928--2011), along with the Resetar and State Senator Mello Families. The Maletas had a long-standing friendship with the Borina Family (prominent Croatian Pioneers) especially their daughter Mary Ann Radovich. And also including the gracious participation of old familiy friends and neighbors Steve Woolpert (Best-Man) his Mother Betsy and Brother Bruce (GRANITEROCK Owners) in our local family wedding event (1984). Maletas are Lucich/Vukasovich family friends and neighbors (Locust St. and Wall St., 1940-1955) since the 1910's and especially during the 1920's after the Spanish Flu Pandemic when my birth father ("Bud" Vukasovich (1913-1991), a Maleta childhood friend), his brother and sister are orphaned. [I believe my father, his brother Peter (daughter Colette Vukasovich, Dublin, CA), and later, Louis Margaretich, lived with the Maletas in the Carlton district and when they moved into town, where Nellie Vukasovich was raised by Lucich cousins.] Isn't it shameful that my sisters and cousin would not acknowledge, in their respective obituaries, the Watsonville Family who "took-in" and raised our orphaned Fathers!!! 

All legal matters pertaining to my adoption (Attorney of Record, John McCarthy) were handled by the Watsonville law firm of California State, Santa Cruz County, Superior Court Judge Charles S. Franich (deceased) the brother of local auto dealer Marty Franich (to whom the Maletas were extended family), thus by way of my birth and adoption, I am related to a great many Watsonville pioneer Croatian families, Vukasovich--Lucich of Dubrovnik and Kotor, Montenegro along with Kesovia (Maleta) people mostly from the Kanavle region, and the Iles of Korcula, Hvar, and Brac (1900-1915), a community of many cousins and extended family, including those of Ann Maleta Rapovac (Great Aunt), Cikuth, Katich, Scurich, Jemo, Lintz, Pavlovich, Vlahutin Families, Resetar-Radin, Betty Kesovia-Bobeda, Ann Matiasevich-Soldo, the Bagatella Family (Mother: Helen Kovacich) of Santa Clara, CA, Ann Miljas, Lucich, Novak, and Buksa Families to name a few. Also, pioneer Swedish families, Gafvert (marr. Keithley-Rathburn), Engstrom, Bergstrom, of Soquel and Santa Cruz, CA (1877--over 140 years). It is now believed that I hold a position that is unique among all other adoptees in the history of Watsonville, and perhaps Santa Cruz Co. and beyond, and of agricultural historical interest, Leland Stanford, founder of Stanford University, farmed in Watsonville prior to 1885. So...Cheers to you, one and all! With the passing of my grandparents, Croatian immigrants William and Marie Lucich Vukasovich (1919, 1921), (descendants and extended family of venerable Croatian/Bosnian Families) Watsonville agricultural businessman (Vukasovich Bros., Locust St.), their three children were now parentless. Role models are created by the process of overcoming tragedy and I am filled with inspiration and admiration for the accomplishments of my father, "Bud", his brother Peter, and sister Nellie Vukasovich, and immense gratitude to our families, the Watsonville Community and those of the Carlton district (MALETA, FOSTER FAMILY) for the support and encouragement provided to my family enabling these children to mature into productive adults, i.e., my father John W. "Bud" Vukasovich, Agricultural Legend, one of the most successful Grower-Packer-Shippers in the Watsonville Pajaro Valley and Yuma, Arizona. Inspired by the Peter Lettunich Family of Watsonville and Idaho Lettinuch Brothers Angus cattle empire, now retired----HEADS UP: "PETE'S HIDEOUT" mutual friend JOHN ANTHONY MILLER, Aptos, CA Business Owner), . And encouraging Bud as a  gentleman cattle rancher (multi-million dollar enterprise),  challenging adversity, developing superior business skills and over fifty years amassed a great fortune (TENS OF MILLIONS) and left his heirs a multi-million dollar agricultural business, EARNING IN EXCESS OF TWO HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS OVER TWO GENERATIONS, and now my sister's sole ownership and great success has made Jolene Vukasovich among the wealthiest women in Yuma Arizona, as well as CONTRIBUTING, OVER 80 YEARS, TENS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS THROUGH THEIR FAMILY FOUNDATION AND VARIOUS CHARITIES. HIGHLY REGARDED CONTRUBUTORS TO THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN PARTY.  From the 1930's, as news of my Father's success spread, he attracted the attention of people such as ("local") Norma Sears, Farrell, Meidl, Vucinich, an ubiquitous presence and OPPORTUNIST. A biography/screen play about my Father's life was written by the son of an employee (Sam Beard, produce-broker) and submitted to Doris Day of Carmel, CA. Among the Agricultural Legends that author John Steinbeck drew upon to create his novels about the Salinas and Pajaro Valleys, and in the opinion of many, making my biography the sequel to "The Grapes of Wrath."  [ PlausibleNovelDraftMy mother,  a seasonal teen-age employee of my wealthy married, agricultural father, while I am to be given at birth to his "FOSTER BROTHER" and raised among my birth family as the object of their conspiracy to deny me my identity!----Human Interest BEST SELLER!!!] Steinbeck's sister married into the pioneer Rodgers Family, settled in Watsonville, their 19th century farm house now a museum. Also achieving success, his brother (my Uncle) Peter and family, San Francisco Bay Area business owners; and sister (my Aunt) Nellie Vukasovich Mir of Watsonville (wife of Edwin Mir, a Reynolds Securities Consultant--now Morgan Stanley)(all now deceased). I am also honored to acknowledge my half-sisters Kathy Anne and Jolene. And may I express with appreciation my great respect and pride for the business accomplishments under the leadership of Jolene (Vukasovich, Inc.), indeed, truly a role model for women in business, and the inspiration she brings to our family, (through research I am now aware that I am the descendant of Croatian emigrants, agricultural pioneer families of the Pajaro Valley, who overcame tragedy and adversity, and from which my father, due to his tremendous success, became a "Golden Boy" of Watsonville), and how blessed I feel to be our Father's son and express my gratitude for his extraordinary accomplishments!  Our shared HRVATI/CROATIAN heritage, stemming from the pre-historic Central Asian Plateau (Oxus Valley) 20,000 B.C. with linguistic/genetic connections to Northern India, Afghanistan, Iran, (Mesopotamia), Egypt, Armenia and other Aryan cultures. Moving south and west, establishing a powerful Hrvati state with its capitol in Afghanistan (Kandahara) With ethnic ties  to Istria and Krk Island, and other  Croatian provinces today. See: ZOROASTER of Hrvati/Croatian origin, "THE PROPHET OF ONE GOD," who established the foundation for the three great ABRAHAMIC religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam). And there exists today a great monument in Tehran to Zoroastrianism, as constructed during the reign of the former Shah, Reza Pahlavi. A second group moved further West toward N. Mesopotamia to create the vast  MITTANNI-HURRIAN Kingdom/Empire. In the 15th century B.C. it was a major power in the Middle East, lasting from 200-300 years and from which later emerged Armenia, Greece, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Apulia (Italy), all of one stock and culture, all part of the Aryan-Caucasian Union. The ancient MITTANNI (today's Croatians) Royals married into the Royal Dynasty of Khatti (Hittites) and the 18th and 19th Dynasties of Pharaonic Egypt (See MITTANNI KING TUSHRATTA, the AMARNA LETTERS) -----Tuthmosis IV, Amunhotep III, and Amunhotep IV (Akhenaten) to NEFERTITI of Mittanni (Croatian) Royalty, descending to TUTANKHAMUN. [Persia conquers Egypt, followed by the Greeks: Ptolemaic Dynasties.] Ancients considered Egypt as part of Asia. Up to the time of MENES, 5,000 B.C., it was inhabited by CUSHITES, a Hamitic people. Later came the EGYPTIANS from the Plateaus of Central Asia where their ancestors surrounded the Aryans. By the beginning of the sixth century B.C. the Mittanni-Hurrian Empire became part of the Maad Harhvati and absorbed into the Persian Empire dating to Kings Cyrus the Great, Darius and Xerxes, (they still retain cultural remnants of their [ANCIENT IRANIAN] Indo-Persian origins: See Croatian National Flag), while also retaining ancient cultural ties to Greece which flourished during the Bronze Age, and then later Alexander the Great who conquered the Persian Empire, who then migrate to the Crimean Khanate (500 A.D. - 1300 A.D.), where they encounter Slavic Peoples (also of Central Asian origin),  and adopt their Cyrilic alphabet, Names, Christianity, and now consider themselves "Slavic" peoples by association, the Don-Bas Region, Ukraine: COSSACKS, continuing on to found Krakow, Poland (Saint Pope John Paul II was born in Krakow. His mother's nationality listed as "White Croat") and form associations with peoples of the Middle and Upper Danube River. [Many Croatian communities were established in Austria, among them the families of composer genius Franz Joseph Haydn and others.] They benefited immensely by their union with Charlemagne; regarding the perplexing "Avar problem" (whose re-location and blending with the Bayan peoples, created the foundation for Bavarian Southern Germany), and consequently opening access to the Magyar Tribes to establish the nation of Hungary (King Matthias of Hungarian-Croatian descent, 1463). And thus were bestowed (9th cen.), Dalmatia, with its vast Adriatic coastline, ancestral home of Emperor Diocletian, and lands eastward to the Hungarian border (Capital: Zagreb)---now known as Croatia, (originally encompassing Bosnia), and what actually constituted the entire former Yugoslavia, which was then divided into autonomous republics. With this tremendous achievement, the leaders of the Croatians enjoyed "honored guests" status at the coronation of Charlemagne as Holy Roman Emperor (Pope Leo III), where they converted to Roman Catholicism, beginning a very long association with the maritime merchants of the Republic of Venice, and for some Venetian Noble Titles SEE:  GIOVANNI DI VOLCASSO (Vukasovich), a Ragusan Noble Family, The HOUSE of VOLCASSO  settled Ragusa (now Dubrovnik) circa 1265 and became the wealthiest family. Also during the 17th and 18th centuries the LUCICH and VUKASOVICH Families are among the 12 NOBLE HOUSES of PERAST, Bay of Kotor, Montenegro. Where today their palaces  are hotels and museums. later Austro-Hungarian Titles as well. SEE: BARON JOSEF PHILIPP VUKASOVICH. a Military Hero and architect, of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and his cultural link to Charlemagne  and the ancient Holy Roman Empire (Austria/Hungary) Ennobled for saving Vienna, the Hapsburgs, Haydn, Mozart, among others from the Turkish invasion (1788) , along with other military warfare accomplishments against Napoleon. Enriched by the Hapsburg Monarchy , his palace in Senj, Croatia (now a museum) was visited three times by the Emperor. It is hard to express the gratitude millions of music lovers, world-wide, surely must feel for this great man!!! Croatians span over 190 years of immigration to the USA, with historical information now dating to the 16th cen. from New Croatia (now called New England) to Florida, representing the Venetian Republic. Including 19th century merchant explorers to the Hawaiian Islands (See: Queen Lili'uokalani and her Croatian Prince John Gospodnetich/Dominis), becoming great contributors to the development of America. Archival San Francisco city records show my extended Lucich Family as residents, 1871, who like the Tadich Family and other Croatians found success in early San Francisco, of interest to dancers, world renown Prima Ballerina Absoluta Mia Slavenska (1916-2002), For Opera lovers, world-renown Operatic Baritone Zeljko Lucic. And including the important role my families have played in the agricultural histories of Watsonville and Yuma. And I am also honored to include first-cousin Colette Vukasovich and her managerial success, along with my cousins the "Boogie" Vukasovich Family (C. & V. Farms), descendants of my Great Uncle Martin (Vukasovich Bros.), and our esteemed Lucich relatives, L.L. Lucich and J.J. Lucich (pioneer agricultural familes). It has been revealed to me that a great animosity existed between my father (Vukasovich) and his brother Peter, and research has found this alienation, unfortunately, has carried over to their children (daughters), by way of omission of each other's families in their respective fathers' obituaries--a very sad commentary on our family dysfunction!
......Edmondson Family History......
     No greater gift could my birth mother give to her child than a legacy of selfless compassion; fulfilling the dreams and hopes of a childless couple and for this I am grateful. But to date she and her families have not been forthcoming or cooperative regarding our Edmondson histories (who may also be descendants of "gold rush" pioneer families) that most likely point to the 1930's "Dust Bowl" migration (Ref.: "BUD" ANTLE; Salinas Valley "Lettuce Giant" who made his home in Watsonville) and the California/Arizona agricultural industries (Marysville/Yuba City, Watsonville, with special emphasis on El Centro and Yuma, where we find a large number of Edmondson Families in 1949), who, by way of my birth, quite possibly, had aspirations for herself and others, and now with the revelation of the Edmondson-Vukasovich family connection may not want to jeopardize any success this has brought them. 

Briefly, and generally speaking, there is a remarkable family name heritage that dates to 1066, the Norman Conquest of Britain with EDMONSTONE as the Family Seat-SCOTLAND; a cadet branch of the House of Seton/de Lens. The Setons were shipping magnates of the North Sea, cousins to William the Conqueror, exalted Flemish Nobility, the founding family of the Plantagenet line in Yorkshire, England, and the "power behind the throne" (Scotland) for six hundred years. Mathilda, daughter of Countess Judith de Lens, became Queen of Scotland upon her marriage to David I. EDMONSTONE: (Lord Archibald, 7th Baronet, and Lady Edmonstone of Duntreath Castle, Scotland), ancestors are first mentioned in the Domesday Book of 1086, cousins to the Kings of Scotland (Canmores and Stuarts), descendants of Avelina (Hesdin) FitzFlaald, the Counts of Bologne, France, Godfroi de Bouillon, Dukes of Lorraine, the family of Charlemagne, the Merovingian Dynasty, and now the Tuscan branch of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine---Archduchess Elyssa (daughter of Lord Edmonstone); by way of Alice Edmonstone Keppel (ROYAL MISTRESS OF KING EDWARD VII), is third cousin of  HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, CAMILLA, QUEEN CONSORT and KING CHARLES III, eventually, to be followed by WILLIAM, PRINCE OF WALES and the HOUSE OF SPENCER LEGACY---"La Reine est Mort, Vivre Le Roi" (9-8-22). Interestingly, Camilla's family and that of the King's cousins, (Grosvenor) are all involved in London real estate (Mayfair/Belgravia). Also of Scottish literary history, SIR WALTER SCOTT was a close family friend of the Edmonstones and was given access to family archives from which he wrote many of his great novels!  Edmonstone/Edmondson Families and all variant spellings are currently (2012) a sept of the Royal Stuart and Lennox Clans, recognized by Lord Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath: and are found throughout the United Kingdom, emigrating from Scotland, established primarily in Yorkshire/Lancashire, England for well over eight hundred years, although the area has been populated for 8,000 years. Also Ireland and from the Orkney Isles, Scotland to Newmarket, and the Port of Ipswich, East Anglia, England, destined for the Jamestown, Virginia, Maryland and Georgia Colonies (including a 25,000 acre Maryland estate owned by the descendant branch of the Edmonstones of Duntreath). Celebrating a 350+ year history in the United States dating to the 1650's, arriving about the same time as the family of First President George Washington (also with family ties to Yorkshire/Lancashire, England). Lawrence Lewis, 1767-1839, son of Betty Washington-Lewis (Fielding), and nephew of Pres. George Washington, married Susannah Edmondson of Essex Co. Virginia. William Edmondson (1627-1712); after  George Fox (England) founded the Society of Friends (Quakers), in Armagh, Lurgan Co., Northern Ireland,(for which, and in his likeness, a commemorative and highly sought after, postal stamp has been issued) and Edmondsons brought Quakerism to British Colonial America, (pre-dating William Penn, Pennsylvania) from Maryland to the Carolinas and Georgia. Edmondsons from Virginia and Maryland were wealthy Colonial representatives to the House of Burgesses (1619-1776). Edmondsons have served with acclaim and distinction in every military campaign since the French and Indian War (from the earnings of their service, adding to their property holdings in Virginia, 3,000 acres), including Revolutionary War (military heroes of the Battles of Long Island Flats, TN, 1776, and King's Mountain, S.C., 1781, War of 1812 (Capt. John Edmonson, battle of Frenchtown, MI, Edmonson Co., Kentucky, Honorarium),  CIVIL WAR: Edmondson Families were on both sides of the Civil War; wealthy southern plantation owners VS northern abolitionist cousins, included among the friends of the Beecher--Stowe  Families literary reference: "THE KEY TO UNCLE TOM'S CABIN" (where Edmondsons play a key role in the anti--slavery movement), Correspondingly, 

(serving in Tennessee,West Point Graduate, acclaimed Confederate General William Edmondson Jones, and celebrated Confederate heroine, Belle Edmondson, Memphis), World Wars, and to the present. Among the great Antebellum plantation owners from Virginia to Georgia during the mid-19th century, with extensive farmlands in the Shenandoah Valley, "Bread Basket" of the Confederacy. Including some of extraordinary size (10,000 acres, encompassing Spring Place Plantation, now Chief Vann House, in Georgia/Tennessee -Major Thomas Polk Edmondson (Civil War Hero). See: AUGUSTUS VANN EDMONDSON. Among the founding families of many Southern states (Alabama, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas [with Stephen Austin]: REF. Cherokee Relocation), and cities, including Baltimore, MD (Edmondson Village); Georgetown, Washington, D.C. (built upon 1,800 acres of land owned by the Edmondson Family), and Nashville, TN, (largest pioneer founding family contingent, the EDMONDSON TURNPIKE), and now including the West Memphis suburb of Edmondson, Arkansas, among others, and for some, ancestral marriages with the leading families of the Cherokee Nation (Augustus Vann Edmondson). Including renowned POLITICAL LEGACY FAMILY (Edmondson, D.-Oklahoma), State Governor, United States Senator, and most importantly, the distinguished former Attorney General, Mr. Drew Edmondson, by whose support in Washington, D.C. (Congress) the Vukasovich agricultural concerns have benefitted, and who remains one of the most illustrious, heroic and admired advocates in the struggle for equal rights (truly a man of great compassion!). In the West, trailblazers to the California gold fields (CHEROKEE TRAIL, eminating from Fayetteville, AR, 1849 and 1850, Wagon-Master Captain Edmondson); with many settlers locating throughout the state from Placer County, and Marysville/Yuba City to San Diego County (for some farming, mining, Sacramento Bee, first editor, helping to establish first Sheriff's Department of San Diego Co., and others later returned to Arkansas). Cherokee with Capt. Edmondson also discovered gold in the Denver area precipitating the 1858-59 Pikes Peak Gold Rush, and the founding of the cities of Denver and Golden, Colorado. Also including Edmondsons of great distinction and accomplishment in Industry, the Arts and Sciences, Legal Profession, Career Military, and with extended family throughout the British Isles, Canada, EDMONDSON PARK Development, Sydney Australia and world-wide. (See

Waltz from "Masquerade Suite",

Aram Khachaturian

London Symphony Orchestra

Yuri Ahronovitch, Conductor

As an adoptee, and now a senior citizen, I want to inspire hope, determination, and perseverance to those seeking answers and resolution. For me, the joy of discovery and vindication outweighed a journey of "unpleasantness" perpetrated by deception and betrayal, based upon the obsession of one person to control the lives of others through their disapproval, and the extremely damaging consequences of their profound indifference (even involving certain communities and spanning generations) by which, nearly, almost everyone seemed to benefit, some greatly. From birth my adoptive family began leaking information regarding my birth father to others, while raising a child in an environment of deception (my identity)AND among my immediate family (sisters and their mother) and extended birth families, used as an aggrandizement (status-symbol) and the "network of eyes" that led to my birth father; they underestimated his expectations, upon which rested much consequence. ALERT, WARNING: As a Gay child, I was extremely vulnerable to the victimization and exploitation by the children of my adoptive parents' relatives and those of family friends, and when this became known; the adults victimized the victim! [The Maletas were held hostage by the deceit and betrayal they had created, and the unrelenting threat of its revelation. Now I fully understand why they remained passive to my mistreatments! Where were the follow-up evaluations of my adoption by the State of California Child Welfare Dept.?] By age fifteen I had become an object of their disapproval (no Gay lifestyles), and so my adoptive parents enlisted the help of our Stanford trained Family Physicians, The Medical Group, (founded by Dr. Eiler Eiskamp) Watsonville, and their referrals (M.D.'s, PhD.'s), assuming they could buy a doctor's opinion, but they were severely criticized by these doctors for destructively using their love and approval to control and manipulate, including irreparable harm to my self-esteem (among other revelations) which only increased their enmity toward me. Amazingly, these doctors encouraged me at age 15-16 to get away from my parents, but soon realized that I had become emotionally/psychologically crippled by them, and in an effort to help, taught me coping strategies. With these consistent diagnoses, my adoptive parents' morality and motives became suspicious. And a few decades later, becoming two of the most contemptible, heinous and indefensible corruptors of innocence, who protected each other and, ultimately centered upon my adoptive father (Maleta). An infamous reputation ("a dirty old man", to quote from Mildred Maleta, 1995) that some family members upon receiving this information later used for their own gain. The Maletas adopted two unrelated children, of which I (John) am the oldest, the younger (James) benefiting by my birth family status, from which they ultimately harbored envy, animosity, and resentment, and numerous appalling incidents, to which I was an unwilling witness, caused me to reconsider my early childhood, totally, from which I could then only save myself, and to the dismay of these people, whom I denounce ("the soot in the flue of life," and "such as that which should be scraped from one's shoes!"), my morals remained incorruptible and immutable. I include these experiences among the life-altering traumas/ betrayals from which I still recover.  At age nineteen my subsequent mentorship with partner respected Designer Ralph J. Pinney (46, father of two daughters from a former marriage to a Miss Ohio Beauty Queen) of Phoenix, AZ and Aptos, CA created a "scandal" in the Watsonville community and much consternation. The ubiquitous Norma Sears, Farrell, Meidl, Vucinich, whose granddaughter (Christine White) and I were classmates and neighbors, 1950's. Coincidentally, Norma was the underwriter of Ralph's Aptos business, "Rags and Riches," where in 1969 I met Countess Gloria de Dampierre of Salinas and her husband Count Michele. Ralph designed most of her wardrobe and Bob Davis was the decorator for their Las Olas Drive beach home at Sea Cliff State Park.   I was now, unknowingly, so well known as the son of "Bud" Vukasovich, and living a Gay lifestyle that the "network of eyes" flocking into Ralph's shop now explains the extent of my Father's influence and control. Upon our moving to Phoenix in 1972**, to re-establish Ralph's couture business (clothing designer to Mrs. Barry Goldwater (Peggy), (R-AZ) 1964 presidential race), and to meet and work with friends and families of the Biltmore Estates, Scottsdale, AZ, including Mrs. Eleanor Cudahy (Cudahy Meats), Mrs. John Ellis (Browning Gun), and Mrs. Loyal Davis, mother of former First Lady Nancy Reagan (R-CA); I still retain and cherish my collection of correspondence from Mrs. Davis, Joan Crawford, and Colleen Moore, along with a story featuring my life written by publisher/editor Moyca Christy Bates Manoil of Arizona Living, a community newspaper, and mourn her recent passing (Jan. 21, 2013). Within six months my adoptive parents arrived in Phoenix to insinuate themselves and enlist the "help?" of my birth father, "Bud" Vukasovich--again while deceiving me of their motives and purpose. They (adoptive parents) refused to respond to any questions about a forced and hastily mounted meeting  in Tucson with "Bud" (even omitting his full name or my relationship) whom I had no knowledge of at all and oddly enough, up to this point I had never been trained or included in the Maleta Family agricultural business, EVEN THOUGH SINCE THE EARLY 1950'S I WAS NOW "BUD'S ONLY SURVIVING SON! (I assumed both parents would be involved). I soon realized Mildred was not participating and that was a warning as I refused to be alone with (Maleta) in fear of his animosity. So with much suspicion I refused to comply--Maleta drove off to Tucson and the "meeting," leaving me behind with Mildred, very bewildered. After Maleta's return, the distancing began, and within a few days they abruptly returned home. In retrospect, I cannot help feeling, under these circumstances at this time, in view of my "lifestyle" and the community reaction, that this "meeting" was intended for my "approval," because as explained by the "network of eyes" and his contacts: since my birth, "Bud" could monitor his son's life, form his opinions, and pronounce judgement! (obviously, a victim can become "lost" in the Sonoran Desert). Within a few months, due primarily to very stressful business demands, and the severe climate, I returned to Watsonville to begin a new career working with hope and determination at Maleta Brand Apples, finding accomplishment, seeking approval and a future, but to no avail (never closeted, now declared! Still many, also in agriculture, observed my work, just out of curiosity!) and I was left adrift (after a few years) to pursue my own destiny. Never again was this matter (the planned meeting in Tucson) spoken of or ever explained, nor did my father "Bud" Vukasovich (whom I later learned was known and feared for his anger management and retribution issues--Ann Papac) ever again try to make contact with me---TREATMENT MY SISTERS HAVE CONTINUED!---as benefactors of a conspiracy against their Half-Brother, raised in full view of them and their mother Eileen along with cousins and "their friends" in Watsonville (1950;s) by the MALETA  FAMILY who also RAISED our Father, "BUD" VUKASOVICH and his BROTHER PETE as ORPHANS and I am extremely grateful for having been spared his direct indignation and prejudice (unlike another family member who incurred his wrath, then conformed, but to no avail, was punished (a mixed-race baby??) , and who by the grace and generosity of her sister remains his beneficiary, as explained in detail to Mr. Volkman and myself by Ann Papac--"Valley" Catholic Cemetery, 2010) and I, having survived many years of victimizations (including Septicemia, the beginning of a medical nightmare, resulting from medical negligence contracted from having my teeth cleaned at my local Watsonville dentist (Clinton G. and Paulette S, and prior to having spent two years and thousands of dollars on complete facial revision, including SEVEN implants as explained to the dentist, technician and office staff upon my arrival. These  two are among the most unethical professionals who would "harm the vulnerable" and "blame the victim," if they thought they could get away with it. They Didn't!---- I found a lot of sympathy and help by way of intervention with UCSF doctors, Department Heads, ENT--Plastic Surgery, requiring decades of facial re-construction at my expense!) And so as to now speak of my exclusion as well. Through his wealth and power, I am quite sure that "Bud's" opinions regarding his Gay son influenced many others. (Unknowingly, to become an "OBJECT-LESSON" in my pseudo-conservative community of wealthy and powerful families whose children "FAILED TO CONFORM!" . . .And as expressed by the son of old family friends, business associates and cousins, whose father (Pete Radin) and father-in-law (Bob Trafton*) did not leave behind multi- million dollar businesses and never achieved the agricultural success of my father "BUD" Vukasovich!!!: "Sometimes Watsonville creates things it doesn't know what to do with!" (Ref.: To Cousin, I am not a thing, thank you very much! And your Mother "B.B." (deceased, June 2022) admitted being told all about me from Mildred, the Kovacich's and others). Peter, your father was not a millionaire and he married a rich man's daughter (A. L. Resetar). Is this where the envy begins? Is it true, that the Radin name appears on the list of Croatian/Jewish surnames with Ashkenazi roots in Russia and Italy? SURPRISE: You're not alone; our Kovacich cousins also appear on the list. How about some Jewish Humor?: IMAGINE a RADIN trying to PASS as "GOYIM!" But his "SHICKSA BRIDE" gave it away!!! HA!  MAZEL TOV! L'CHAIM! ENJOY! Curiously, Watsonville has TWO ? "Heiress Weather-Girls" named "Kathy", (Flagstaff and San Francisco markets), both of whom are from prominent agricultural families; i.e., my sister Kathy Ann Vukasovich  and a former next-door neighbor, "Kathleen T". (C. 1960, SEE ABOVE*) who is now currently appearing on KRON-4 TV. It's WONDERFUL? to see there is a "special" place on local television for SENIOR CITIZEN WEATHER GIRLS!! WARNING: YIKES!! The most dangerous place in San Francisco is between Kathy Trafton and a television camera (LOL). Recently, according to "BINKY and GINGER", the latest fashion trend in Hillsborough, CA. is an obsession for PRETENTION, VALIDATION, and APPROVAL on a wall adjacent to the loo (toilets) at FILOLI...OY!,  and P-U.  IT'S VERSTUNKEN!! WHAT A GEVALT!!


       Years later I formed friendships there (Watsonville) with some very "high profile" bi-sexual husbands! "Life is not black and white, but many shades of gray"). By refusing to participate in the network of deceit in the bi-sexual community of Watsonville, opportunities for a Gay man were restricted, as an additional form of retribution. So I remained deceived, ignorant of my birth heritage until the late 1980's. I discovered some legal adoption information, (that curiously also included birth information regarding my adoptive sibling) in my personal medical records in Watsonville showing just the name of my birth mother (Edmondson). Again, when presented with this evidence my adoptive parents denied, flatly, any knowledge of it (only to find after their passing similar information held in our safe, along with documentation regarding my adoptive sibling's birth at a Salvation Army Home for Unwed Mothers, in Oakland, CA, which was presented to this person at the settlement of Mildred's estate in 1999, they had previously been given control of her three grandchildrens' trust funds. Also at this time my sibling was informed of my birth father's identity, "Bud" Vukasovich, to which, oddly, they had no reaction, leading me to believe they had perhaps been previously told by family/friends [Sheehy--Arnerich, 1984]). My adoptive parents took these "family secrets" with them to their graves, betrayers to the end, complicit in their deceit, and aware of the animosity this information had fueled, after having spent over four decades using my birth family status for their aggrandizement! These people wouldn't even tell me my father "Bud" Vukasovich (whose wife predeceased him--1977) had died when his obituary, December 26, 1991, appeared in the Watsonville Register Pajaronian Newspaper, and records (Library Archives) show that my sisters (Jolene and Kathy Anne) cruelly and with malice, omitted my name ("BUD'S" FIRST-BORN, ONLY SURVIVING SON), along with his brother's family. DENIED THE RIGHT AND THE OPPORTUNITY TO ATTEND MY OWN FATHER'S FUNERAL or the funeral of my cousin BOUGIE VUKASOVICH (1990). Apparently I was never to be told the truth, even though from birth many relatives and so many other families in Watsonville had been told. And now their biggest concern is who told me! You should realize that sadly some families, perhaps based on their envy, selfishness and greed, have little interest in reconciliation and for them, the "status quo" conceals their own pain. It is my great faith in the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the fact that for my entire life I have survived many forms of victimization and bigotry, that continues to guide me! After having been the SOLE care provider to my partner of twenty years (William, of Santa Cruz CA, deceased 1994) and my adoptive parents (1995 to 1999), (and for my efforts, to be called a "saint" by Hospice supervisors), curiously, within days of the passing of my remaining adoptive parent (Mildred Maleta, 1999) I received a very terse and condemning phone call from Yuba City, CA. A bigoted woman, vehemently anti-gay, (with a "pan-handle" regional dialect, refusing to give her name, who had in her possession for over twenty years a Maleta Brand Apples box), who quite possibly may also have had a Yuma, AZ family connection, denying that she was my Edmondson birth mother, upon my inquiry, proceeded to taunt me with personal information she should have had no knowledge of whatsoever, and her criticism (including the sound of my voice), disappointment and preconceived opinion of me, such as that of a parent, was devastating, and a cruel act of cowardice, compounding my grief. Obviously alerted to the death of my remaining adoptive parent--we find the "network of eyes" once again (with the primary sources being those with the greatest access to my father, his children, and malicious "family friends" seeking their own notoriety, that have now been exposed!). From the outset (my birth) the "game was rigged", and I never stood a chance. Prejudged. Sadly, and only a few months after the passing of my adoptive mother (Maleta-1999), four years after my adoptive father, and eight years after my birth father (Vukasovich-1991), during a conversation with a close Maleta relative (Marilyn June Kovacich, deceased, mother of Jonna and Stephen, and a long-time seasonal employee of Maleta Brand Apples), of marginalized social status and considerable resentment, possessing five decades of very revealing knowledge, was the first to speak the truth, with much trepidation (announcing that "Bud" Vukasovich was my father, and that I have two sisters, all to my total amazement!), was fearful of reprisal, and, not surprisingly, within days, she was shamed and made to recant, traumatizing her! Her persecutors (family/friends) have condemned themselves--yet their callous envy and animosity continues on! With recently acquired knowledge, from birth I was touted as a "status-symbol adoption", and consequently, I understand now why many daughters of old and prominent Watsonville Families were encouraged (some since the exclusive Mabel Van Giesen Pre-School) to pursue me and my Vukasovich legacy. Still, I am surprised by the eagerness of so many willing to deceive, persecute, and betray an innocent adoptee! I wish to express my universal concern, empathy, hope, and prayers for anyone who may have also had these experiences! I thoroughly encourage adoptees to courageously tell their stories, if just for your own satisfaction. Today a lot of information is available online that once was only accessable through attorneys. Your family historians are waiting! As a result of my father ("Bud" Vukasovich) and his great accomplishments and wealth, his children have inherited a tremendous PEDIGREE and an amazing story to tell! And although so very many have known my personal information for decades, only now can I enjoy the full status that is my birth right, and that to which I am entitled! After seventy-two years, I have come to expect and welcome the envy, resentment, and animosity of others, albeit from some very unlikely sources, and so I leave them to it! After much research over recent years and prompted by a series of conversations with immediate and extended family, and their friends, based on information both anecdotal, and empirical, including distinct physical similarities, and now by way of "advice" (Feb. 2012) from a Vukasovich (Cislini/Chisluni?) family member (nephew), (See Arizona "Round Fire", 2003; and Scottsdale gun shop) referring to me as the "skeleton in the family closet"--We now have *CONFIRMATION--and answered prayers (BVM). Legal documentation (including California State hospital records) now irrefutably confirms that Agricultural Legend John W. "Bud" Vukasovich is my birth father, and I his first-born, only surviving son (regardless of my sisters' attempts to marginalize me), born and raised by old family friends (Maleta) in our home town (Watsonville) among my immediate and extended birth families, in a community informed of my identity since birth, DECEIVED  and BETRAYED of this information for SIXTY-TWO YEARS! Consequently, I am compelled to express, with much amazement, my profound and complete disappointment in the EXTREME LACK OF CONSCIENCE BY THOSE INVOLVED! --with sincere interest in reaching out primarily to adoptees and all Vukasovich and Edmondson Families and friends world-wide, in my quest to expose the evils of deceit, injustice and bigotry that I have endured. With this irrefutable confirmation, I understand why my sisters' refusal to acknowledge me continues . . . and I am deeply saddened by this family dysfunction surrounding my father's wealth, my lifestyle, and the CRUEL and IMMORAL treatment to which I have been subjected! I believe my sisters (Kathy Anne and Jolene), along with many others, well known, have extreme difficulty accepting who I am, THEIR BIOLOGICAL HALF-BROTHER (born and raised in Watsonville in front of you; and HOW COULD YOUR MOTHER ACCEPT HER HUSBAND'S BETRAYAL? Or did she also "go along to get along"?). You seem to be  labouring under a misapprehension---for the THREE of us are the children of "Bud" Vukasovich, and the THREE of us are the result of our experience of it!  Furthermore, I should also like to believe that my Grandparents, both Vukasovich and Lucich, would have expected me to share my Father's (Vukasovich) success in the same way as have my sisters, and would be appalled at my exclusion, but then why be burdened by a conscience? (A legal and moral dilemma!) Ostracized, denied and betrayed by those "who took advantage of the vulnerable," I stand alone: a victim of callous and selfish indifference to my pain and suffering (parental rejection) and the damage my Father could have prevented but was incapable of doing so!



The Best of Mahalia Jackson

Track-1, You Tube-Windham 35, 2013

     I would like to thank the M.D.'s/Ph.D.'s whose insights I had the great privilege of receiving, my Attorney, the Clergy of Grace Cathedral, San Francisco (and all that they exemplify), along with the Watsonville Public Library, and my friends and supporters for their inspiration, loyalty, help and encouragement, for which I am grateful, along with the inspiration I found in the philosophy and family histories of the KINGS OF JERUSALEM, i.e., the descendants of Jesus (who was persecuted and denied his legacy)and Mary Magdalene.  

     And in memory of Mr. Ray Paslay, Jr. of Watsonville (1930-2013) a "Bud" Vukasovich employee of many decades with whom I had extended conversations regarding my father (2011). Upon introducing myself, he became dismissive and insulting, treating me with contempt and hostility, becoming unnecessarily cruel, to which I take the gravest possible exception. He claimed he knew nothing of me from my Father, but over many years could have learned plenty of details about me from long-time "contacts" in Watsonville with a connection to my birth and adopted families including the Kesovias (Betty Kesovia is listed as a long time "friend" in his obituary along with my sister, Jolene Vukasovich). His greatest concerns being: "Who told you that you were "Bud's" son?"--(M. Kovacich, 1999), and "Who gave you my phone number?"--(A. Papac, 2011). He became overly obsessed with the identity of my mother (Edmondson), asking repeatedly "Who's your Mother? Who's your Mother?", and taunted me regarding his relationship with my Father! He defiantly objected to my request for Jolene's number, saying he would contact her, and sarcastically invited me to "WAIT BY YOUR TELEPHONE FOR A CALL FROM YOUR SISTER!"--now over TEN YEARS AGO! (Did Ray ever follow through on his promises?)As the son of his employer, and cousin (adopted) to his "friend" Mrs. Betty Kesovia-Bobeda (all of us born and raised in Watsonville), I was shocked but not surprised by his antagonism and extreme callous insensitivity! And apparently these people, like many others, sadly, have always been envious and resentful of me as an HEIR to my Father's great success! Ray, who never married, along with another man, Gene Moore, (ironically, both of whom became employees of Vukasovich Family businesses, and retirees in Yuma, AZ) were former Watsonville bar owners (The Royal)---"trading alcohol for information?!" And in spite of the vast age difference, Ray was an acquaintance of many years before becoming an employee of my father "Bud" Vukasovich, since about **1972 ("HE TOOK YOUR PLACE!"---quote from Ann Papac, "Valley" Catholic Cemetery 2010), and after "Bud's" passing, a "consultant?" to Jolene (Vukasovich, Inc.). Who, to my amazement, smugly expressed great pride and satisfaction in the validation and approval he found "pathetically" calling himself my father's "best friend," and obviously, in no way whatsoever was he my father's equal, and whose Memorial Page my families have avoided!

     Also to Mrs. Ann Vojvoda Papac (deceased Nov. 2, 2015, whose recent passing comes five years from the day we met at Valley Catholic Cemetery, and whose mother, Helen Vojvoda, was a close friend of Anna Maleta from 1910). A native of Watsonville, a friend of June Kovacich and her children (adopted cousins Stephen and Jonna), and most likely a recipient of information from a woman, Virginia Culbertson (d. 2017) a scheming, meddlesome, intrusive and hurtful person who ridiculed my efforts as care-giver, with a flippant "so what" attitude and whose ex- husband, Bob, owed his entire career to my Marty Franich cousins. SEE: Rocky Franich's frank and revealing Register-Pajaronian interview. Her "glaumed on" 45 year friendship with Mildred Maleta provided direct personal information about me--once again the "network of eyes." Ann, with whom I had many telephone conversations, including our first meeting at "Valley" Catholic Cemetery (Nov. 2010) where Mr. Volkman and I were continuing our research, and then privileged to her vast knowledge of the "Bud" Vukasovich Family, and her great concern ("Are you in this for the money?") regarding my "entitlement" in the family fortune, who referred me to Ray, with the caveat that I never reveal her as my source--ultimately, I refused to deceive Ray, which greatly angered Ann, who after sixty years as the conduit of Vukasovich Family "gossip," then incredulously pleaded, "I don't want to get involved!" I offer my special thanks to these people for their candor and insights that (aside from their animosity, resentment, preconceived opinions, and personal gain) eagerly revealed both business and private Vukasovich family information I may have otherwise never known! As a result, these "revelations" regarding my sisters and me have been a major topic of conversation for over sixty-five years in the Watsonville Community, and for some, the primary source of their "notoriety!"

And I proclaim with the greatest moral conviction---"I have not destroyed any children's lives, betrayed, or used them to control and manipulate others. Neither have I denigrated mixed-race family members, nor participated in failed marriages!" (Once again, much of this information was explained to Mr. Volkman and myself by Ann Papac, "Valley" Catholic Cemetery, Nov. 2010)

Victimizing any child is an abuse of God's gift!--Jesus (of the House of David, Patron of saints and martyrs), and to be party to that victimization is immoral and a sin against humanity! . . . "And this spirit of truth will the World of its sin convict!"--from a recent (2012) sermon heard at Stanford University Memorial Chapel.

With the greatest respect for my birth right, legacy, and my vindication, I will forgive (but not forget) the cruelty of others, and will continue to pray for their salvation, I remain, 

John Edmondson Vukasovich (Maleta)

"When You Wish Upon A Star"

Disney Gold Classic Collection

Sung By Jiminy Cricket (Cliff Edwards)

All correspondence will be directed to Dennis Volkman (, my research assistant and six generation Santa Clara, California pioneer family member (Walsh), and an alumnus of Notre Dame de Namur University, Belmont, CA.


August 7, 2014:
(Revised March 2018):

Cherished Cousin Catherine Lucich Duncan and Family,

    Your response brought many tears, and every one a prayer of consolation, considering the profound effect my Father's (Bud) indifference had upon his wife (HUMILIATED?), immediate family and a community too intimidated to intervene! Catherine, I was raised, nearly in front of you and the Lucich-Vukasovich Families and lived there (Watsonville) for over fifty years! In the view of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, what my Father perpetrated is IMMORAL, outrageous, destructive---CRUEL! And a COMPLETE LACK OF CONSCIENCE! It now appears as though some family members (and others) "WENT ALONG TO GET ALONG," and  I am glad you and yours could benefit from Bud's success. Welcome or otherwise, my "EXISTENCE" remains a major SOURCE OF CONSTERNATION to my Families. Obviously, I can never recover from this FAMILY INJUSTICE, but remain forever their marginalized SON, BROTHER, AND COUSIN! Remember...IT'S EASY TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE VULNERABLE, A VUKASOVICH FAMILY LEGACY.     Thank you, Catherine, you remain in my prayers.
    Are you aware; that Ann Vojvoda-Papac was also a "sitter" for my sisters. Regarding "family connections" (dating to the 1920's Locust St.) that the J. J. Lucich ("Cowboy" Lucich??) and S. Zupan Families, including Mrs. Anna Resetar, Catherine Lettunich, and Mrs. Helen Vojvoda are among the signers of Anna Maleta's Memorial Book (1974), And didn't Nellie Vukasovich live with you (1940 Census)? And MY childhood memories (1950's) of El Pajaro Gardens Florist, the Bake-Rite Bakery, the Resetar Hotel "Harvest Room", the Del Monte Cafe, Miramar, and Deer Park restaurants, and the Merry-Go-Round at "BABE'S" Band Stand, Capitola Beach, all of which are/were Croation owned or connected. For those who can relate, the Maleta's (though they were betrayers) enjoyed an indulgent lifestyle "parading" Bud's son around!!

Your Cousin John Edmondson Vukasovich Maleta

MAY 2024

Cherished Maleta Niece and Nephews,

Mary Theresa Wriight, Nicholas, Joseph of Soquel and San Francisco, California




  You were not born to a winery (unlike your cousins). You remain unrelated to the "BUD" Vukasovich and Edmondson Families (no DNA) also you have no Maleta DNA.  Accordingly, as I am sure, you are aware of your father's birth at a Salvation Army Home for Unwed Mothers, in Oakland CA in 1953, as (Baby Steven Craig Miller), and months later (separation issues) adopted by the Maleta Family of Watsonville, and raised there as "Jimmy." His three children, Mary Theresa, Nicholas, and Joseph are biologically the Bargetto--Miller Family. After a full recovery from childhood Spinal Meningitis, his personality traits became exacerbated, A growing insensitivity to the pain and suffering of others, as explained by a Registered Nurse family member. Apparently remaining issues regarding these matters continue. The knowledge of moral corruption by those in whose care we were entrusted, by birth or adoption, may challenge your strength of character. Though difficult to overcome, ultimately through acceptance and forgiveness you will find peace. Although my adoptive sibling (who as an adult continued to suffer from an infantile fixation, "TS" or Thumb Sucking) and I were raised as equals, envy, resentment, and animosity played a major role in the dysfunction of our adoptive family, leading to betrayal, corruption and harassment against family members and their advisors. Some Santa Cruz attorneys are among the many who consider him a "BAD ACTOR" (1989-1999, the WILL AND TRUST years), along with the destruction of a position of trust involving the multi-million dollar business of old family friends, (Is this how one BURNS A GRANITEROCK BRIDGE ?? Your Grandfathers Bargetto and Maleta might know!!) Among the MANY personal "LIABILITIES" the Edward Zanola Family recognized after four years at SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY, resulting in this person's diminished reputation, minimal inheritance (15%), and GREAT LOSS OF RESPECT IN THEIR FAMILIES, INCLUDING THE BUSINESS AND LEGAL COMMUNITIES!---Always rise above the immorality of others. Thank you for your concern. (This is intended as a clarification only, not as an indictment.)



SPRING 1972: Nancy Reagan, Biltmore Estates

    Anne Frances Robbins was not born an heiress, nor was her father an achiever of great financial success. However I was excited and felt privileged when first meeting Mrs. Ronald Reagan, the California Governor's wife at the Biltmore Estates home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Loyal Davis in Scottsdale. Nancy was elegant and charming, thanking me for the scenic egg I had designed for her and the Governor. And at the insistence of her mother, graciously followed up with a lovely note, through the promotion of Ralph Pinney and Mrs. Davis, whose friendship in Phoenix dated to before the Goldwater campaign, I designed eggs for her friends Colleen Moore, Joan Crawford, Liberace, and others, whilst observing the dynamic of the relationship between Nancy and her Mother, hearing the criticisms and plans of their Fortune 500 neighbors (the "KING MAKERS:" "We can't stand that woman [Mrs. Davis], BUT WE NEED HER!"). And ultimately (ten years later, 1982) how the wealthy had their taxes reduced, and this inequity has continued for thirty-five years, greatly benefiting families like mine, although I and other betrayed, disenfranchised heirs have yet to benefit from this so-called "trickle-down" theory. A political promise delivered, lacking humanity or a conscience for those denied.  And, Folks, these decisions of severe consequence, with repercussions affecting future generations were made under the "INFLUENCE OF JELLY BEANS!" .....And now 2018, to paraphrase sports icon Yogi Berra, "It's like DEJA-VU, ALL OVER AGAIN!"







Donovan----1967----Epic Records


ROADSIDE "EYE-SORE" . . . A tribute to GLUTTONY??

      Some WATSONVILLE FARMING FAMILIES ACHIEVED GREAT SUCCESS while others, less talented, "PLOWED THE DITCHES OF STATE POLITICS." Is there any REAL need (at TAXPAYERS' EXPENSE) to honor self-serving "FAT-CATS," whose descendants' INGRAINED VORACIOUS EGOTISM appears desperately in need of an "APPETITE SUPPRESSANT??!"

​**********MORE CHEESY MELLODRAMA*********************



            To that person in Watsonville claiming venereal arthritis as a DANCE INJURY??? paraphrase a local politician "BUT, CAN YOU PROVE IT!" BUT WAIT, Yes, a certain Santa Cruz Urologist WITH LOTS OF PENNICILLIN for treating the "affliction" (INFECTION!) can prove it! ---Diagnosis, Prognosis, Convalescence as witnessed by friends and family, A CRIPPLING, NIGHTMARISH END TO A DREAM, leaving only ANGER AND FRUSTRATION!!! Is all this deception and deceit the result of protective amnesia, selective memory, SPIROCHETES or DELUSION?? Whaaaat? Are we attempting to prove P. T. Barnum's assumption, "about SUCKERS"??? But REMEMBER: "Not all of the people, all of the time!" ---oooOOPS!! UH-OH!! Don't trip yourself, SPINNING OUT OF CONTROL. Obviously, that "TERTIARY SHUFFLE" has become a "DANSE MACABRE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


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